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cascabela thevetia造句

  • They feed on the fruits of " Cascabela thevetia " which are known to be toxic to mammals.
  • This locust feeds on highly toxic plants such as " Acokanthera oppositifolia ", " Cascabela thevetia " and " Secamone alpinii ".
  • In South Indian states such as Tamil Nadu and in Sri Lanka the seeds of related plant with similar local name ( Kaneru ( S ) ?????) Cascabela thevetia produce a poisonous plum with big seeds.
  • It's difficult to see cascabela thevetia in a sentence. 用cascabela thevetia造句挺难的
如何用cascabela thevetia造句,用cascabela thevetia造句cascabela thevetia in a sentence, 用cascabela thevetia造句和cascabela thevetia的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。